Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 2
Wayzata's Best of Shareware 2.0 (Windows) (Wayzata Technology)(7112)(1994).bin
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│ JEPRS(tm) Version 2.5 │
1. What is JEPRS?
JEPRS (pronounced "Jeepers!") is the Journal and Editorial Personal
Reference System. What does that mean? That means that you now have an
easy to use, menu-driven program to keep track of reference citations to the
(scientific) literature. Anyone who writes extensively, such as a scientist,
and needs an up-to-date list of references, needs JEPRS. Briefly, JEPRS
allows you to:
1. Add references to your database (either directly or by importing
a MEDLINE, BRS/Colleague, ERIC, Psyclit, or comma-delimited
formatted file),
2. Search through those references with an easy but powerful search
menu, and
3. Format those references for output to a text file, printer, or
word processor file in virtually any format imaginable, including
boldface, italics, underlining, superscripts, and subscripts.
More information on specific features is provided below.
2. Why use JEPRS and not some other program?
I have seen people use any of three different types of programs to
keep track of their references. These include 1) a word processor, 2) a
generic database system, and 3) a specialized reprint management system.
Let me explain why JEPRS is better than all of the above.
1. A Word Processor. The main advantage of using a word processor
is that you can pre-format your references and fairly quickly import them
into your document which is written with your word processor. You can also
perform simple searches rather easily. The disadvantages are that 1) once
you type up your references in a set format, you have to reformat all of
them whenever a new format is required; 2) While simple searches are
easy, try combining terms, such as author "x" and journal "y"--you generally
can't do it!; 3) You cannot import references from any of the online
database systems.
2. A Generic Database, such as dBASE. While these systems can be
quite powerful, they are also fairly complex to use, and setting one up is
no mean feat for a novice. Searching is generally more powerful than with
word processors, but many don't provide for case sensitive and case insensi-
tive searches. But their main drawback is their lack of formatting
capabilities; most were written for tabular data, and thus are hard pressed
to provide line-oriented output with text features such as boldfacing,
italics, etc. And like the word processor, you cannot import references
from MedLine directly into your database.
3. Specialized Reprint Management Software. All of the
commercially-available ones I know of cost in the $100-$500 range, and these
generally aren't the kind of programs carried by your local software
discounter. In any case, beware of their pricing! More than one of the
commercial programs have different "levels" of pricing, sometimes allowing
you only 100 or so references in your database at the lowest level. In a
similar vein, almost all the commercial programs charge EXTRA for the ability
to import references from MedLine files.
There are several shareware programs that are less than $50, but
virtually all of them have severe limitations. Most of them are simply
compiled dBase programs and are therefore limited to the functions found
in the dBase language. Thus they often have crude (if any) formatting
capabilities; most do not allow complex searches, such as "Find all papers
written after 1985 written by Jones or Smith or Johnson that appeared in the
Journal of Cell Biology with keywords DNA or protein".
Pretty dismal, eh?! Well, now there's hope. JEPRS combines the best
of all these features in one program. A program that can run on any PC that
has 512k or more of memory and 2 floppy drives or a hard disk. A program
that has on-line help, with the push of the F1 key. A program with pull-down
menus and pop-up dialog boxes. A program that can do a complex search (like
the one in the previous paragraph). A program that allows up to 30
USER-DEFINED output formats. A program that costs less than $50 (including
printed documentation).
Here's a quick questionnaire you can use to compare your current
program with JEPRS version 2.5:
Topic Question: JEPRS: Your Program:
============= ================================ ========== ================
Ease of Use: Pull-down menus & pop-up dialogs Yes ________________
Can use a mouse for menus Yes ________________
User-savable configuration file Yes ________________
On-line, context-sensitive help Yes ________________
Size of documentation files >100k ________________
Requirements: RAM memory 512k ________________
Hard disk required No ________________
References: Maximum references in database 10-64,000 ________________
Space for title, authors, journal,
volume(issue), pages, year, type
(journal, book/chapter, or abstract),
editor, publisher, keywords Yes ________________
Importing: Imports comma-delimited, MedLine,
BRS/Colleague, ERIC, Psyclit Yes ________________
Exporting: Exports MedLine and comma-delimited Yes ________________
Searching: Case sensitive searches Yes ________________
Case insensitive searches Yes ________________
Simple search by author, title, etc Yes ________________
Complex searches, including
AND/OR/NOT Boolean logic Yes ________________
Sort search results by author,
journal or year Yes ________________
Able to modify search after complete Yes ________________
Can the references be edited after
being found in a Search Yes ________________
Output: Can formatted output be sent to any
combination of screen, text (ASCII)
file, printer, and word processor
file (WordPerfect 5.x & PC-Write) Yes ________________
Does the program support underlining,
boldface, italics, superscripts,
and subscripts Yes ________________
How many USER-DEFINED output styles
are available 30 ________________
Can the program output authors:
Initials followed by last name Yes ________________
Last name followed by initials Yes ________________
(Last name followed by initials)
for the first author, followed
by (initials and then last name)
for each subsequent author Yes ________________
Can formatted output be sorted by
author, journal, or year Yes ________________
Word Processor
Compatibility: Can the program produce word
processor files (including PC-Write
3.0 and WordPerfect 5.0/5.1) Yes ________________
Can the program look in your word
processor file, find the reference
in your database, produce a word
processor output file, and then go
back and replace the reference #s
with an author/year or sequential
number citations Yes ________________
Value: Is the author a member of the ASP
(Assoc. of Shareware Professionals) Yes ________________
Price for registration < $50 ________________
Does registration include:
The latest version of the software Yes ________________
A 60 page laser-printed, spiral-
bound manual Yes ________________
Customer support for at least 6
months following purchase Yes ________________
Allow me to go into a little more detail about JEPRS's features.
This section describes some of the more useful things about the program.
1. ADDING REFERENCES. You enter the data for each reference
citation on a well-laid out screen. There is space for Title, Authors,
Journal, Volume, Pages, Year, Citation Type (Journal, Book, or Abstract--each
can be formatted differently!), Publisher, Editor, and Keywords.
2. IMPORTING. Instead of typing each reference in by hand, you can
import them from MedLine, BRS/Colleague, ERIC, Psyclit, or comma-delimited
formatted files (produced by, for example, PaperChase or Current Contents on
Diskette). You can import all references at once, or one at a time (in which
case you can edit or delete them before adding them to the database). [Note
that JEPRS itself directly imports MedLine and BRS/Colleague files; a free
utility (called "Med2Go") is included that converts the other file types into
MedLine files which can then be directly imported into JEPRS.]
3. EXPORTING. You can export any or all of your references in the
MEDLINE or comma-delimited formats.
4. FORMATTING. You can define up to 30 formats of your own choosing
for formatted output. Output can be sent to any combination of screen,
printer, text file, or word processor file. References can be sorted by
author, journal, or year before formatting. Output can be underlined, bold-
faced, italicized, super- and sub-scripted (depending upon your printer or
word processor). For printer output, you can specify: lines per page,
characters per line, indenting, numbering of references, numbering of pages,
a header for each page, a title for the first page, and pausing after each
page to allow you to insert a new sheet into the printer. You can format
your references differently depending on whether they are an Abstract,
Journal article, or Book (or chapter). Here's another unique feature of
JEPRS--Let's say you want your output for books to look like this:
Differentiation of Muscle (1989), Edited by J Jones, Joe-Bob Press.
But let's say one book doesn't have an editor; most programs would make your
output look like this:
Differentiation of Muscle (1989), Edited by , Joe-Bob Press.
JEPRS, however, allows you to have "conditional phrases", so that you could
define the output so it would look like you wanted it to:
Differentiation of Muscle (1989), Joe-Bob Press.
JEPRS also allows you such luxuries as listing authors by: a) initials first
followed by last name, b) last name, comma, initials, or c) last name, comma,
initials for the first author, and initials followed by last name for each
additional author. You can also specify whether you want multiple authors
connected by "and" or by "&" (or anything else you choose, up to 10 charac-
ters). And each of these can be different for every one of the 30 formats
you are allowed to define.
5. WORD PROCESSOR COMPATIBILITY. New with version 2.5 of JEPRS is
the ability to read and write word processor files (including PC-Write 3.0
and WordPerfect 5.0/5.1). You can now do the following:
Create a word processor manuscript file that has JEPRS codes
in it (for example, {J#158} ). Then exit your word processor
and start up JEPRS. Go to the Format Menu, and specify
Input=Word processor file and Output=Word processor file.
After pressing Go, JEPRS will look through your word
processor file, find the references (such as {J#158} ) in
your JEPRS database, send them to a word processor file (such
as WordPerfect 5.1) in the currently defined Format Style,
and then go back to your word processed manuscript and
replace the JEPRS codes (such as {J#158} ) with either an
author/year citation (such as "Wright, et al., 1989") or
sequential numbers ("1", "2", ...).
6. SEARCHING. This is another area where JEPRS shines. Many menu-
driven programs try to simplify your life by giving you a "form" to fill
in for your searches. These other programs allow you to search, for example,
for ONE AUTHOR and ONE JOURNAL at a time, which is OK many times. But what
if you wanted to search for one of SEVERAL AUTHORS in SEVERAL JOURNALS, and
even do complex searches with parentheses and AND/OR/NOT logic? JEPRS can
do complex searches like: "((Wright and Lin) or (Weintraub and Lassar)) or
((Science or Nature) and (Myogenesis or Differentiation)) not <1986". Try
that on any other program! In addition, references are displayed as soon as
JEPRS finds them, in a condensed, single-line format. Want to see the entire
reference? Just press <Enter>. Want to edit it? Just press <F4>. You can
page through the found references using the arrow keys and PgUp and PgDn.
You can mark any references with an asterisk ('*') for output to printer
or file. You can even modify your search if it hasn't found quite what you
were looking for. Searches can be case-sensitive or case-insensitive, and
can be displayed sorted by author and year.
7. GLOBAL DEFAULTS. JEPRS has a number of options on each menu.
But the nice thing is that they all have pre-set defaults, so if you don't
want to change them, just press Go to start the action. On the other hand,
JEPRS is very user-definable. There are a variety of options you can change
and have saved in a configuration file; this file is loaded every time you
start the program, so you can tailor JEPRS for yourself. This Global
Defaults Menu is available from most major menus within JEPRS and allows you
to do such things as: turn beeping on and off; select or modify a printer
definition; select or modify an output format; turn blinking on and off;
turn colors on and off (useful if you have a color video card and a single-
color monitor); send a form-feed to the printer; or temporarily go to DOS
to issue a command.
member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). The ASP is a
group of shareware authors that have banded together to promote shareware as
QUALITY SOFTWARE. To become a member of ASP, authors must submit their
programs for review and, once accepted, must agree to abide by ASP's rules.
These rules include minimum standards for a variety of aspects including
documentation and customer support. For example, all authors are required to
include the following statement in their documentation:
"This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a
shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member
directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP
Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a Compuserve
Mail message to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536."
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
This is probably the best news of all. It's not $495 or $195 or even
$95. It's $49.95 (+postage & handling). You get the latest version of the
software, a printed manual, and free customer support (by telephone, mail, &
CompuServe Mail) for six months following your purchase. And what makes your
investment worry free is that JEPRS is shareware. "What's shareware?" you
ask. Shareware is NOT free software, but it is software that you can TRY OUT
for free. Try JEPRS at no risk for 60 days. If you don't use it after
the trial period, you owe me nothing. If you do like it, register using the
order form (ORDER.DOC), or just send $49.95 (plus $4 postage in the United
States, $10 postage overseas) and specify a 3.5" or 5.25" disk. That way, I
have an incentive for continuing to update and improve JEPRS. And you get
great software at a great price.
If you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions about the
program, please write:
Louis M. Miranda
400 Selby Avenue #301
St. Paul, MN 55102
1. CompuServe ID# 73567,471.
2. If you attempt to contact the author and there is no reply or
your letter is returned by the post office, you can reach the author
through the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). Contact
the ASP at:
Association of Shareware Professionals
545 Grover Road
Muskegon, MI 49442-9427
You can also contact the ASP through CompuServe. Just enter
GO SHAREWARE at any CompuServe ! prompt.
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